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TRON: LEGACY (2010) This movie is at least 5 years ahead of the world. The special effects and themes were commented as “exquisite waste” when it first came out. Only because people didnt understand the metaphors. It requires basic knowledge of the film industry and si-fi. Still, I think we can all agree the special effects are undefeatable in terms of 2010. The themes of this movie is about AI (or programmuralization), can it or will it replace human when it is developed enough? All the plot settings are in place. The movie starts with AI Clu (clone) fighting to have the same rights with humans, which led us to,

How life science changes the world It is a topic related to moral values. In the movie, Isomorphic Algorithms (better known as ISOs) were a race of programs featured in the TRON franchise. They were programs that spontaneously evolved on the Grid, as opposed to being created by users. ISOs differed from Basic programs in their appearance and capabilities, but their uniqueness lay in their codebase. While regular programs conform to the rigid structure defined by their users, ISOs had evolved to become independent beings, complete with a genetic code of their own that even Kevin Flynn could scarcely comprehend. This inner structure of their code would potentially have al- lowed ISOs to develop beyond the capabilities of regular programs. This makes ISO more of a human than a machine, which leads us to the question, are they real- ly humans? Is making clones for organs donate voilate the moral values?

Should the internet system be free? The concept of free internet started at 1993, the European Org for Nuclear Re- search put the web into the public domain, a decision that has fundamentally al- tered the past quarter-century. Also, ecologicalization business, which covers multi- ple fields, such a TV, mobile, streaming service, in order to get greater market and economic value. It was a hot topic back in 2010. (Apple developing their own full system, such as Apple TV, Mac, iprint, iPhone.) Re: (ecologicalization?): implement a number of group expansions to promote the brand into other markets, to improve business and realise the economy in the same time.

How technology behind the movie effects the de- velopment of CGI The creative minds behind Tron essentially invented the technology used to design the CGI in the film, which laid foundations for computer graphics developed in the decades since.


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